Heavy on inside rein in the half-pass
Posted by Irina Yastrebova on Monday, August 13, 2007 09:24 AM
First I felt his haunches going too much inside in half-pass left. That is usually a good indicator of a heavy outside shoulder. I looked down and saw my reins were a different length, the inside one was shorter. He likes to trick me into that. I always has to keep an eye on my reins. If I take them up without paying attention I end up with uneven reins quite easily.
Then it hit me, he is just hanging on me, he pushed his outside shoulder out and hanged himself on inside rein and it's shortness only makes his job easier. In such situation I can try to soften him on this inside rein until my arm falls out and nothing happens. I need to even my reins out and move his shoulders over to the left, half-halting on outside rein. And I need to keep haunches in check and not let him move them ahead of the shoulders.
Any time a horse pushes his haunches too much inside, he will fall on the outside shoulder. He can easily hang himself on inside rein and working inside rein will not change anything. He has to be realigned with outside thigh and outside rein.
Happy riding...
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